Dusting and cleaning the tapestries are the most important interventions for the conservation of old and modern textiles.
The dust penetrates into the fibers over the years which ends up having a detrimental effect on the works. Indeed, it dries up the materials and gradually alters the fibers.
Old tapestries are the most affected because of the significant presence of silk fibers in their weaving.
Textile cleaning can only be entrusted to restorers experienced and qualified .
Treatments :
Tapestries and rugs are stored, rolled up while awaiting restoration.
The textiles are then split to gain access to the back for dusting and cleaning.
Dusting :
The purpose of dust removal is above all sanitary and therefore preventive.
It aims to eliminate the external causes of degradation and infestations of biological origin. This operation is very important for all textiles. Dust removal is carried out by micro-suction fitted with a HEPA filter allowing small particles to be trapped.
If the parts are infested, then they are subjected to anoxia treatments in order to resolve any infestation problem: larvae, moths, beetles, etc.

Cleaning :
Certain tapestries or carpets woven after their micro-suction are the subject of a special preparation prior to cleaning . Tulle fabrics are sewn to consolidate fragile areas.
For cleaning operations, the parts are unrolled on the bottom of the tank. This is equipped with a special micro-perforated canvas, stretched in a frame with aluminum beams. This frame is mobile to facilitate rinsing, draining and drying.
It should be noted that the tapestries woven in the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century must be treated with the greatest attention, they can sometimes present problems of unstable synthetic dye.
It is necessary to carry out the preliminary tests of color fastness in order to avoid any risk of bleeding.

The cleaning is carried out in collaboration with Mr. Jean-Marie Dor from the Espace Tapisserie workshop in Aubusson: www.tapisseries-aubusson.com
In situ dust removal is carried out in collaboration with Mr. Julien Hebras from the Lemaire workshop in Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire: www.restaurationdemeuble.fr
Anoxia is carried out in collaboration with Madame Aurélie Fortin from the 3Pa workshop in La Croix-en-Touraine: